
from the album At the Foot of the Cross


Recorded for the album At the Foot of the Cross Volume Two: The Seven Last Words of Christ (1995)

©1995 Words by Steve Hindalong, Music by Steve Hindalong and Greg Flesch

Criminal, hear the words I say
You are the reason I'm dying today,
I am the sacrifice, the Lamb of God above.
Criminal, look into my eyes,
Find eternal love.

Truly, I say to you today,
Come with me to paradise.
Truly, I say to you today,
Find forgiveness in my eyes.

Penetant soul, be restored.
You are the sorry one I'm suffering for.
I am the sacrifice,
Your heart is washed in blood.
Criminal, come to paradise,
Find eternal love.

repeat chorus

Sinner, I recognize your face.
You are the sad child I came to embrace.
My Father knows your name,
The heavens hear your voice.
Forgiven one, let your heart forever rejoice.

repeat chorus


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